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2023-07-18 22:05:46

Adrenal Fatigue: Is it Real?

Adrenal fatigue is a tricky conversation. Many healthcare providers have a different way of discussing it. Some don't believe that adrenal fatigue even really exists. However, approximately one in every 100,000 people in the United States are dealing with it. So, what gives?!

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2023-07-13 23:33:13

8 Important Vitamin B12 Benefits

Getting all of the nutrients we need from food alone is next to impossible. This is where supplements come into play. Maybe you’ve heard of vitamin B12 and have considered adding it to your regimen. But what exactly are the vitamin B12 benefits, and why should you make sure to get enough of it?

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2023-06-30 22:36:22

Seasonal Allergies: Triggers, Symptoms, How to Soothe Them

Throughout certain times of the year, your eyes might feel itchier than normal. Maybe your nose just won’t stop running. Or perhaps the sneezing never ends. You might be experiencing seasonal allergies! What are these, why do they happen, and what can you do to calm your seasonal allergies day-to-day? Let’s dive in.

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2023-06-29 21:12:50

Male Menopause: Definition, Symptoms, What to Do

You’ve probably heard of how women go through menopause when they hit middle age. But did you know that men also experience something similar? Yes, there’s something called male menopause! (Kind of ironic, right? Menopause? Manopause?) Let’s dive into what this is, what it looks like, and what the gentlemen can do to support themselves mentally and physically as they start to collect more years.

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2023-06-28 22:02:35

What are Antibodies? The Almighty Protein

Whenever you experience an allergic reaction, it’s actually your body trying to protect you. When you’re sick, your immune system kicks into high gear to fight whatever has invaded your body. This can all happen thanks to antibodies. Maybe you’ve heard the term before, but what are antibodies, exactly? What do they do for you, and how do they affect illness and allergies?

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2023-06-12 21:12:07

Healthy Aging: 5 Tips to Stay On Top of It

As Father Time does his work, you’ll likely notice that your body and mind go through changes. You can’t get up the stairs as quickly as you could before. It takes a few trips to bring all the groceries inside. You can never remember where you put your car keys, and you can’t get through the day without a mid-morning nap. We’re all aging, every second of every day. But there are things you can do to help slow down the process so that you can wake up ready to tackle each day with enthusiasm! Let’s explore some of the most powerful tips for healthy aging (backed by science) and how you can incorporate them into your own lifestyle.

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2023-05-30 21:11:21

Are Home Pregnancy Tests Accurate?

Something feels… different. Maybe it’s your intuition that drops a hint, perhaps you feel a little off, or you might’ve missed your period. So, you decide to take a pregnancy test. A quick trip to the drugstore. The little stick you take into the bathroom with you. And the results that are delivered within minutes. Is this the best way to really determine if you’re pregnant? Are home pregnancy tests accurate? What other options do you have? Let’s look at it a little more closely!

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man standing
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2023-05-22 22:06:04

Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism: How Do They Compare?

The thyroid is a small gland with a big job. It produces hormones — namely, thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) — that impact nearly every organ in the body and can affect all of the functions happening inside of you. These include your heart, body weight, metabolism, mood, digestion, and blood pressure. What if something goes wrong? Well, there are various types of thyroid disorders, including tumors, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. This blog will focus on hypothyroidism vs hyperthyroidism, how they’re different, the symptoms, and when you should see your healthcare provider.

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fried egg and bread pklatter
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2023-05-22 22:04:56

9 Most Common Food Allergens and How to Stay Healthy

You probably know at least one person with food allergies. In fact, you might have one yourself. What are the most common food allergens in the US, and what do these allergic reactions look like? This blog will explore these questions and more. Let’s dive in!

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slice of eggs on cakes
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2023-05-11 22:01:05

Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance: What's the Difference?

You bite into a delicious cookie and 30 minutes later, your skin is covered in a raised and itchy rash. It’s then that you realize you accidentally ate nuts. What a lot of people don’t realize is that there are different ways you can negatively respond to food. Namely, there are food allergies and food intolerances — but these two terms are not interchangeable! Let’s talk about how they’re alike, how they’re different, what’s actually happening in the body, and some common symptoms that you might experience as an adverse response to something you ate.

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couple smiling while holding yoga mats
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2023-04-27 22:06:33

Why Colon Cancer Screening Matters

Our bodies become more vulnerable to certain illnesses and diseases as we age. One example of this is colorectal cancer (CRC) — which can also be referred to as colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on where in the body it starts. It’s important for aging individuals to do regular CRC screening to maintain their colon health and also stay ahead of any early warning signs of cancer. When should you start colon cancer screening? What are your screening options? What happens if your results come back abnormal? Let’s dive in.

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man and women holding a pregnancy test
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2023-04-27 21:10:16

7 Tips to Support Healthy Fertility

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that in the United States, among married women between 15 and 49 years old who’ve not yet given birth, about one in five aren’t able to get pregnant after trying for one year. About one in four have a hard time getting pregnant or carrying their baby to term. Infertility can strike anytime, anywhere. While there are various factors at play — like genetics and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) — lifestyle factors also play a role. In this article, let’s go over some basic tips to support healthy fertility that women can put into action today!

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macro of a bee
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2023-04-18 17:14:39

What Causes Environmental Allergies?

When you step outside, your eyes start to itch and water. Your nose runs. Your throat begins to feel scratchy. You might be suffering from environmental allergies, which (frustratingly) can last all year long. What’s triggering these symptoms, exactly? And importantly, what can you do about them? This blog will answer these questions and more.

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human holding a bread
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2023-04-10 22:01:09

Is Celiac Disease Genetic?

Some estimates say that about two million people in the United States have celiac disease, and about 1% of the world suffers from it. Furthermore, a lot of people remain undiagnosed. Symptoms can vary widely, and the disease can lead to long-term health complications. What is celiac disease, exactly? Additionally, where does it even come from, to begin with? Is celiac disease genetic, or is it something you “catch” or develop due to environmental factors?

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woman and girl forming a heart symbol with their hands
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2023-04-05 21:59:39

7 Heart Health Tips for the Elderly

Your heart is like your body’s engine, and it needs special care and attention as you get older. The National Institute on Aging says that people aged 65 years and older are more likely to struggle with cardiovascular disease, which refers to problems pertaining to the heart and/or blood vessels. This is a result of the changes that occur in your heart and blood vessels as you age. How can the elderly take extra care of their tickers to protect themselves against heart disease? Keep reading for practical and actionable heart health tips that anyone can apply.

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human neck anatomy
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2023-03-27 23:32:01

What Does the Thyroid Do?

In your neck, you have a butterfly-shaped gland called your thyroid. You might not ever see it or feel it, but it plays a huge role in your overall health and wellness. What does the thyroid do, exactly? In this article, learn more about the vital job it has, what it influences, warning signs that it might be acting up, and how you can keep it healthy.

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woman using laptop
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2023-03-27 17:17:56

Employment Screening: Why It’s Important for Your Business

Keeping your workplace healthy, safe, and compliant with state and federal laws is important to the survival and growth of your business. This means making sure that your employees are immune to certain diseases, as well as testing them for drugs and alcohol. This can happen through urine or hair drug testing.

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three happy men
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2023-03-26 23:54:44

3 Simple Men's Health Tips for Optimal Wellness

Taking a more proactive approach to your health is vital in ensuring your well-being as you age. You probably don’t need us to tell you that men and women are built differently. So, we recommend a unique approach to men’s preventative health. In this article, we offer a few basic tips for protecting your health as a man, and how eNational Testing can help you along the way with our various men’s health testing panels.

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three women walking
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2023-03-06 08:02:00

Monitoring Your General Wellness & Overall Health

When it comes to caring for your health, it’s always preferable to take a proactive approach as opposed to a reactive one. At eNational Testing, we offer a number of panels and screening options to ensure that you stay on top of your general wellness. Read More
Man and woman sitting together, touching hands
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2023-03-06 16:44:49

Our STD Panels and Tests

Every single day, more than one million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are spread across the world. Alarmingly, most of these are asymptomatic — meaning they show no warning signs. STIs and STDs can happen to anyone. Furthermore, if left undetected and untreated, STDs can lead to other health complications that can range from dangerous to fatal. Thus, staying on top of your sexual health is vital to your overall wellness. Here’s how you can do that with eNational Testing’s selection of STD tests and panels. Read More
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2023-03-01 11:53:28

Are Food Allergies Genetic?

You bite into a delicious red pepper and suddenly, you’re breaking out in hives. Your child enjoyed their favorite peanut butter candy, and now their lips are swollen. It sounds like you might be dealing with a food allergy! Read More