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Hepatic Function Panel (7)

Hepatic Function Panel (7)

The Hepatic Function Panel is a group of blood tests that assesses liver function through the measurement of liver-related enzymes and proteins.

The liver is an essential organ located in the upper right side of the abdomen. Because it makes proteins and hormones needed by other parts of the body, it is also considered a gland. It performs numerous functions, including removing toxins from the bloodstream, getting rid of old red blood cells, producing bile (a fluid that aids in digestion), metabolizing nutrients, regulating the amount of blood in the body, producing substances that help blood clot, and storing energy in the form of glycogen.

When the liver isn't functioning properly, it can have widespread and serious consequences for the body. A hepatic function panel, or liver panel, assesses liver health by measuring various enzymes, proteins, and byproducts produced by the liver. High or low levels of these substances may indicate different diseases.

Who should take this test?

A hepatic function panel is appropriate for individuals with a family history of liver conditions, as well as anyone experiencing symptoms of liver disease (including jaundice, dark-colored urine, abdominal swelling, fatigue, and unexplained weight changes). People with certain risk factors, such as a history of heavy alcohol use, hepatitis exposure, obesity, or diabetes, may also benefit from a hepatic function panel.

What is included in this test?

This blood test screens for:

  • Protein, total
  • Albumin
  • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  • Aspartate transaminase (AST)
  • Alanine transaminase (ALT)
  • Bilirubin, total
  • Bilirubin, direct (bilirubin produced by the liver)

This panel measures total protein as well as albumin, a specific protein produced by the liver. Low protein levels may indicate that the liver isn’t functioning optimally.

It also measures ALP, AST, and ALT, which are all enzymes found in the liver. Elevated levels of these enzymes may suggest liver cell damage or inflammation.

Bilirubin, a waste product that forms when red blood cells break down, is also measured. Elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood may indicate poor liver function.

How will taking this test benefit me?

For those at risk of liver problems, a hepatic function panel can aid in early detection of any issues. Early detection and proper management are crucial to prevent the progression of liver disease and maintain overall health.

Hepatic Function Panel (7)


Results available in: 1 Day
Specimen Type: blood draw

The Hepatic Function Panel is a group of blood tests that assesses liver function through the measurement of liver-related enzymes and proteins.

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