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Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

This test measures Vitamin B12 to determine deficiency, a state that can potentially cause harm to both the brain and nerves. Lack of B12 could also be related to fatigue and muscle weakness.

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. It is primarily involved in the production of red blood cells, the maintenance of a healthy nervous system, and the synthesis of DNA.

B12 is naturally found in animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, and dairy products. It can also be obtained through dietary supplements.

B12 deficiency can result from poor dietary intake or malabsorption issues. B12 deficiencies can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, tingling or numbness in extremities, cognitive impairment, and mood disturbances. If left untreated, severe and prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to irreversible nerve damage.

Who should take this test?

B12 testing is recommended for individuals who are at a higher risk of deficiency, including vegetarians and vegans, older adults, individuals with gastrointestinal conditions like celiac disease and Crohn's disease, people with atrophic gastritis, and people with pernicious anemia.

Testing is also recommended for those exhibiting symptoms of B12 deficiency, including fatigue, weakness, tingling in extremities, and memory problems.

What is included in this test?

This blood test measures:

  • Vitamin B12

How will taking this test benefit me?

Adequate levels of vitamin B12 are essential for overall well-being. Moreover, B12 deficiency should be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid damage to the nervous system. A simple B12 blood test is an easy way to monitor your levels and ensure you maintain optimal wellness.

Vitamin B12


Results available in: 1-2 Days
Specimen Type: blood draw Requires Fasting

This test measures Vitamin B12 to determine deficiency, a state that can potentially cause harm to both the brain and nerves. Lack of B12 could also be related to fatigue and muscle weakness.

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